Name of Group Game: Where the Wind Blows


Small Group (Preferably 7 people or more) to

Large Group (20 + people)

Age: Middle – High School

Time15 – 20 minutes

Summary: Great icebreaker group game- find out what people have never done before.

Goal: Avoid being the last person standing.

– One person needs to start the game by standing in the middle of the circle
– You will need everyone to sit in chairs arranged in a circle.

How to Play Where the Wind Blows Game:
1. The person in the middle needs to say a sentence of something they have never done before. For example, “I’ve never been in an airplane”, “I never been to a buffet”, “I’ve never been the Hawaii”, “I’ve never had a pet”.

2. If the person’s statement applies to someone sitting in the circle, that person has to move from his or her seat and sit in a different chair.

3. The person in the middle will need to try to sit down. One person will remain standing. The standing person starts a new round by saying a different statement.

Note: People cannot move to seats on their immediate left or right. For example, they can sit two seats away, but they cannot move to the left or right of their current chairs.

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